Bodyweight training outdoors for fitness and fun.

Bodyweight training outdoors for fitness
and fun.

With the cold weather most men and
women would rather train indoors instead
of outdoors.

I think you need to get outside as much as
possible and enjoy the fresh air.

There are so many ways to have fun outdoors
so many different things that you can do if you
just open your eyes.

For many of us snow will keep us indoors and
snow can be used as a serious workout tool.

Shoveling snow.
Running in snow.
walking in snow.
Dragging around the kids on a sled.
Running hills in the snow.

Or you can even hit your local playground,
snow covered and all, no one will probably
be there.

You can still do pullups and pushups and
run even if it’s in the snow.

Get outside enjoy the fresh air and get fit.

Train Hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

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