No excuses!!

In today’s world we all have a more hectic
lifestyle then ever. And some real important
things get put on the back burner.

We are more stressed, overweight we are
sick physically and mentally. Most of you
will find excuses as to why you are overweight
sick and mentally drained. It comes down to
you there are no excuses.

You do what you want when you want. If you
are fat stop eating. If you are sick take better
care of yourself. If you are stressed find your
stress and eliminate it. Simple and sweet.

This past weekend I was out of town and was
driving alot but still found time to exercise.

I did a fast brutal 15 minute workout:

I did as many Burpees as I could in 15 minutes.

260 Burpees. Not bad for a few hours sleep.

To do a burpee:

Start in a standing position- squat down and put
your hands on the ground- kick your legs back-
(in a pushup position) bring your legs back up
under your chest- stand up and jump.

Repeat this as fast and as long as possible.

The Burpee is a great fat burner.

Train Hard, If you are fat and weak it’s your fault.

Johnny Grube

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