Saying “I Have No Time To Train” Is saying I no Longer Care!

There are really no excuses for being a weak man who buy's into the "I have no time to train" Men don't train because it isn't important enough for them, they don't care their kids or grandkid's watch dad or granddad slowly become weak men who no longer have any fight left in them, men who no longer stand up for what's right.Men who hide and drink beer while … [Read more...]

I Need To Be A Better Man!

In today's degenerate society being a better man means being a weak pussy if you push back against the social justice sick bullshit society is pushing. Things like making kids mentally ill, confusing kids about their gender, making people believe you can be any gender you choose daily, women proud of having abortions, health magazines showing fat women as healthy. Men being transphobe's because … [Read more...]

Fat Men Last Longer In Bed

HAHAHA! Do fat men really last longer in bed? Rashmi Haralalka Read more posts by this author. RASHMI HARALALKA 16 FEB 2020 • 2 MIN READ • 349 VIEWS OMG! Misters, pot bellies do last longer in bed. A recent study by Getty, the scientific research, from Erciyes University in Turkey showed that fatter men indeed tend to make it longer in bed. Those who have excess body fat tend to … [Read more...]

Abortion Debate!

  People are losing their mind that they may not be allowed to eliminate unborn babies.But who are the women losing their mind? Do you think these are women you would want in your life?Do you think a woman who walks around bragging about having an abortion would be a woman who wouldn't take you for everything you have, and / or charge you with rape?Do you want a daughter who wants to use … [Read more...]

Society Is Failing Because Of Weak Men.

All the complaining men do about women, created the problem. Men have never been so weak. Women needed to step up because men have failed. Men are slowly transforming into women with their emotional state and their man boobs. Men say they don't want a woman or children, and it's because they are to weak to show a women they are in charge and can provide for a family or even be strong enough to … [Read more...]

Stop Making Excuses For Not Being A Functional Man.

Too many men make excuses as to why they are fat and basically useless.  Too many excuses makes for an easy sucky life. No one said you needed to have a ripped set of abs. But you should be capable to move around and function. Stop being a pussy and hiding behind the keyboard, boozing doing drugs and start acting like men were intended to act. Men today are plain … [Read more...]

Men Have Fucked UP!

I will start writing again on a regular basis and posting videos.We as a society are doing everything to cripple our cities, states and country and it's because men have given up fighting, becoming incapable fat drunks, drug taking pussies to collect a government check! Reason given, "I have a bad back"! No fucker it's probably your lack of movement and your huge gut!I see how many men are pulling … [Read more...]

Men That Look The Other Way Are Of Less Value.

I said it before and I will say it again, if YOU wear a mask because you are afraid of confrontation or what someone might say, or are just plain afraid you are a pussy!  Men today would rather video a crime than actually help. A women was raped on a train in Philadelphia no one helped they just videoed the crime, not one person helped the women! If this happened years ago the rapist would have … [Read more...]

Are YOU A Man Who Is Worried About Wearing Masks And Being VAXXED?

If so, NEVER ever call yourself a man! Please NEVER have children!  I don't care about your reasons, because the real reason for your constant mask wearing and seeing how many times you can be vaxxed is because you are a pussy!You are afraid because you can't think for yourself, you claim educated but refuse to think for yourself. You're also probably a fat out of shape candy bar eating, soda … [Read more...]

Men Are The Reason Why Society Is Falling!

I haven't blogged in a long time. Why? I have been watching society fall apart and watching weak men continue to destroy society as we know it. Men have given away their power and have become more brain washed and feminine, while women have become more masculine and men want to blame the women for the lack of feminine women.Really, think about the male wearing skinny jeans and flip flops, think … [Read more...]