How to become more disciplined in 3 days – the cure for Discipline Deficiency Syndrome

Do you have “Discipline Deficiency Syndrome?”

This illness afflicts countless people. It has no borders. It attacks everyone without prejudice.

It can prevent you from becoming the person you are capable of being. It can ruin your aspirations and destroy your life.

Fortunately, there is a cure.

I learned how to become a disciplined person by embracing Black Belt Mindset. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I learned through my life in martial arts that I was more disciplined than I thought I was; most people are. Black Belt Mindset helped me develop a clear system of achievement steps and a tangible way to measure my progress.

In 3 days, you’re going to do the same thing.

You don’t have to throw a single punch or kick to discover and develop your self-discipline. You do need to make a decision- you need to decide that you’re going to follow these steps no matter what obstacles, challenges, excuses or emotions rear their ugly little heads.




DAY ONE: Identify ONE meaningful goal and ONE actionable step that will move you toward that goal…

Pay close attention: I did not say anything about achieving your goal. A goal provides motivation. Master Jhoon Rhee always said a goal is the “source of all human energy.”

This post isn’t about achieving goals- it’s about developing the discipline to pursue those goals whether you achieve them or not. Sometimes your efforts will lead you in a different direction. Disciplined people take advantage of new opportunities and sometimes adjust their goals; they never stop advancing through actionable steps.

A new white belt student can’t become a black belt in one day. She can, however, decide to practice her first techniques and take the first step toward yellow belt.

So- choose a step you know you can accomplish today…with the resources you have on hand today…and start.

DAY TWO: Face your obstacles and move ahead anyway…

When someone is truly afflicted with “Discipline Deficiency Syndrome,” it seldom takes longer than a few hours to start making excuses or coming up with every possible worst case scenario imaginable.

Many experts say to ignore those obstacles, challenges and excuses. They may tell you that those challenges are not real; that all you need to do is embrace a positive attitude and a cheery disposition and all your obstacles will melt away to reveal the true abundance of the universe.

Ya, sure.

“When you see the devil on the road, what should you do?”

Black Belts don’t ignore or try to “happy away” challenges and obstacles- we embrace them! We “Celebrate Adversity.” It’s your opportunity to become the person you may never have imagined without it.

If you see obstacles in your way- fine. Pay attention to them and identify ONE actionable step to overcome that challenge.

If you find yourself making excuses, pay attention. Ask yourself where this excuse came from. Take a good look at it…then let it go. The excuse may be the indicator that leads you to your next step- which may be dealing with the root of that excuse.

So what do you do when you see the devil on the road?

“Shake his hand!”

Then you go your way, and he’ll go his.

DAY THREE: Review and repeat…

This is the “simple; not easy” part. It’s difficult because whether you succeed or fail in these small steps, you need to assess your progress coldly and with brutal honesty.

You can’t cure any illness unless you’re aware of the symptoms.

Did you get done what you said you would? If not; why not? If so- what did you do that is now repeatable?

Discipline is about repeating the actions that move you forward and eliminating any that detract you from your goals.

You must be absolutely clinical in your assessment. If something works- do it again. If anything you’re doing is holding you back- knock it off.

Stop arguing, making excuses and procrastinating. These are the habits that destroy discipline.

Discipline is not about dreaming; it’s about doing!




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