John Grube Doing a Picnic Table Walk!


This Exercise Builds Strength and Endurance!


  1. Mike Arbogast says

    John –

    Just wanted you to know that I have been getting your emails for sometime now, and have been perusing your website, and watching your video’s on YouTube. You insipire me and give me motivation. Thank You. Like you, I gave up weight training a few years ago in favor of bodyweight exercises. I have been doing mostly Matt Furey’s Combat Conditioning exercises along with some things that I learned from a Karl Gotch video. A lot of things you do on your video’s are really cool! Like you, I am mostly a raw food eater, do not drink, and don’t smoke. I drink a little coffee, but that’s about my only vice. I try not to eat sugar except for some raw honey, and don’t use much salt. the only dairy I eat is a little splash of cream in one cup of coffee daily. I am 52 years old, but I weigh the same as I did when I was a senior in high school. Most of my friends look like shit with big bellies. Not me. I know I have a lot of room for improvement though, and would like to find a way to get even stronger. I can do 3 or 4 hand stand pushups, but how do I get to 10? I can do 500 hindu squats nonstop in 16 minutes or less. I am a little weak on hindu pushups, only able to 50 staying in the up position before I have to rest. I run out of lung power before I run out of strength. I can do 15 close grip pullups nonstop. Even though I am not overweight, I am getting a little soft around my belly button and on my sides. How do I tighten this stuff up?! Anyway, thanks for keeping me motivated, and keep the video’s coming. I think they are really cool, and so are you! Do you do consulting for a fee? If so, I think it would be exciting to talk to you sometime!

    Mike Arbogast
    Melbourne, Florida
    A fan of yours!

  2. i want to be muscular

  3. but i dont know what can i do home

  4. We’ve arervid at the end of the line and I have what I need!

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