Strength And Weakness Is The Cause Of Either A Strong Or Weak Society.

Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you ain’t a soft pussy!

Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you ain’t a drunk or drug addict!

Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you try to live a higher standard!

Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you ain’t a coward!

Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you ain’t easily manipulated!

Training should be a real lifestyle that should breed physical and mental toughness, not a victim
mentality, and NOT a lifestyle of self imposed mental illness pushed by a crumbling society!

Strong men should live with a code of Strength, Strong Values, Honor and Self Mastery!

Strong men work the mind as hard as the body!

Strong men can think for themselves!

Strong men can sit in solitude with their own thoughts, they like themselves!

Strong men keep the “socially mentally ill” people out of their lives!

Strong men can not be bullied into compliance by corrupt authority!

Strong men protect their neighborhoods the best they can, they don’t turn and look the other way!

Strong men protect the weak, but should never help the capable weak, they should be left to fend for themselves!

Strong men NEVER honor men who live with no honor!

Strong men don’t make excuse’s for failures, they fix them!

Strong men help others that truly seek help and don’t waste their time with weak men who only make excuse’s or cry victim.

Strong men won’t push a degenerate agenda that impacts the physical and mental lives of small children!

Strong men call out anything that impacts their lives and the lives of their families!

Strong men are NEVER afraid of confrontation!


Toughen Up!



  1. Axiom Oblivion says

    This needs to be discussed so thanks

  2. Matt Mathis says

    Well said. Sad that it isn’t a common way of life now. But hey, why in the world would somebody pick up their own heavy stuff and move it when you can pay somebody else to do it for you.

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