Discover some bodyweight training secrets that will build explosive, powerful muscle.

Discover some bodyweight training secrets
that will build explosive, powerful muscle.

The fact is there are certain ways to build explosive,
powerful muscle in a shorter period time then you
may think.

There are people that say that there are no secrets
to training or there is no quicker way without
drugs to build muscle and burn fat at a more rapid

I’m here to tell you that there are secrets. Some know
them, but most people don’t. I have searched and searched
for the quickest most effective way to get the quickest results.

My results helped me drop 85lbs of bodyweight in about 5 months.
I didn’t use drugs. I didn’t go after supplements except for some
amino acids. I did change a lot and studied a lot, and still didn’t get
the results I wanted.

Since I’ve changed to bodyweight training my life has changed.
I can do more now then I could when I was in my early 20’s. But
until I found what I call the secrets and the reason I say it’s
my secret is because from all the study and programs I’ve
bought all the books and magazines I’ve read over the
last 25 years they all were missing the real secrets that
produced the best results.

I’ll give you some real easy basic tips that will change
and impact your level of fitness

#1. Use a simple concept. Don’t read to much into it.

#2. Hard work. There is no easy way to build strength
and a high level of fitness, jogging and walking won’t do

#3. Watch how other people exercise and train and don’t
do that. Never follow the masses.

#4. You should exercise everyday. Your body will tell you
when you need rest.

# 5. You never need to train as long as you think you do.

# 6. Food does matter. You can’t get strong eating foods
that will make you weak.

# 7. Train fast and explosive.


Here’s jump rope- divebomber circuit you can try.

Skip rope as fast as you can to 100 then do 10 divebomber

Repeat non stop for 5 to 7 sets try to do each set in a minute
this will mean you need to try fast as possible.

This is not an easy workout.

Hey, check out me running a rocky, muddy mountain for time
 8:00 minutes the video is horrible and pretty boring but
the size of me and the mountain will give you an idea how
big it was.

By the way thank my 20 year son for the great video performance.

Toughness Builds Winners

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you haven’t got one of these life changing manuals, your nuts.
If your fitness and health are important and time is an issue-buy

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