Wildman Laws
Wildman training is all about attitude:
- A Wildman does not make excuses.
- A Wildman trains for functional strength.
- A Wildman works hard, so hard that it is often a
- frightening site….that the average person stays away.
- A Wildman keeps an open mind.
- A Wildman never stops learning.
- A Wildman gets strong without using gyms.
- A Wildman takes responsibility for his own actions.
- A Wildman doesn’t ” quit” .
A real man never makes excuses,they always get the job done
no matter what comes their way “they never quit” and never will.
I call these men “wildmen”, a wildman has an iron will,
they will go long and hard to get the job done.
A wildman always want’s to succeed at the task at hand,
and will always see it through.
A wildman will train anywhere, he never needs
a gym he will train indoors, outdoors in garages
on the road and even on vacation.
When you train hard you have to be ready physically
and mentally, if you are not ready mentally you will fail.
But, here’s where being a wildman is different a wildman
will continue until he is done- he will push through the pain
and fininsh the task at hand.
We have a saying:
“I’d rather die than give up”
This is the way we train, and most think that it is crazy to train
with that much intensity and to live by such a “motto” I don’t..
It has made me a stronger person physically and mentally and
everybody that has trained this way.
John Grube
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