A Tough Training Style

Workouts wildman style are in my opinion made for almost any situation if you can stomach them!

Had a workout the other day in a kayak, 1 hour time limit and the first 30 minutes I went all out
for 1 minute then slow paddle 1 minute for 30 minutes then the last 30 just regular non stop
paddling and for anyone that know anything about paddling it’s very demanding, it was the first
time training in a kayak this way and was the first time in a year I was in a kayak.

Went home finished with 500 knuckle pushups in 11:32. If I trained any other way I probably
couldn’t have paddled 1 minute on 1 minute slow for 30 straight minutes and then 30 more
minutes of paddling and then finish with 500 knuckle pushups. There is a lot of training
programs but simplicity seems to get people thinking if it is to simple and isn’t complicated
it won’t work.

My experience tells me different. The more complicated less effective, look at the
worlds fittest men and women you will find they stay simple and go balls out!

If you don’t like pain or discomfort this program is not for you, if you are looking for the newest
book or DVD for the average person this is NOT for you.

I train for survival, it keeps my body going even though I am a laborer, it has helped in every sport
and in martial arts don’t be fooled by the basic training!

Toughness Builds Winners

Johnny Grube


  1. Snugaboots says

    John –

    You are correct. It’s not the complicated workouts that are the most beneficial. The most basic workout can give you amazing results. It’s all about how you attack it. It;s all about the intensity you put into it. The ability to do 500 pushups within 15 minutes. That alone is a gut buster of a workout.

    Just think about it. 500 pushups within 15 minutes. Most proffesstional athletes could not manage that. Just a set of 100 would kill most men. it won’t be long before your arms are screaming and you are puffing from lack of breath. I think bodyweight exercises done in high numbers are an excelent training style. What shocks me is that few people seem to do them anymore. Everyone wants to hit the gym.

    My old Kung fu instructor was by far the fittest man I ever met. His routine was simple. It was 1000 pushups and 1000 situps a night. How did he do it ? He kept it simple. He did 100 pushups, then flipped over and did 100 situps. That was one set. You do ten sets of that and you are done. It took him anout 50 mins a night. Simple routine – amazing results. How many fighters these days could manage that ? How many athletes or weight lifters could stomach such a routine ? Hardly any. People seem to have overlooked the benefits of a simple training style.

  2. Totally agree with Johnny G. and Snugaboots except for one thing. I do not train to survive. I train to prevail.

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