FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I can’t stand the bullshit being fed today in the name of fitness.
If it’s cool, or looks like a magic trick morons feed to their doorstep! I was that idiot,
until I came to my senses after 35 years of training.
Do these fitness guys even have jobs other then the internet, or hawking other guys stuff?
How many actually have to do any physical work other then when they visit the gym?
I don’t understand where do these people get time to work on their gymnastic skills and trickery?
Cause that is all they are doing. Physical fitness is not a one rep max, it’s not long distance running,
it’s not bench pressing.
How about the guys who spend their days in a park doing pull-ups, flags, and levers and dips etc
impressive yes? No leg work? It’s not possible to be extremely fit and not do leg work.
Where do these guys in the park get the time? Are the people in the fitness industry the majority of
unemployed in America? That’s a good one, collect welfare and do pull-ups in the park.
I’m still trying to find these parks with all those training apparatuses, not any in the suburbs; do
I have to train in the inner city?
Why does anyone care if they have fat guy yoga or skinny guy power lifting or any fucked up made
up bullshit to fool the dumb asses into thinking the fitness program will work long term.
I got a “Dragon Door” magazine in the mail the other day because I have bought from them in the past.
But I can no longer handle the bullshit they spew about the fraudulent jail bird coach “Paul Wade” I know
people don’t care if the man exists and that is the problem today’s society the people don’t need facts only
opinions and especially if they find they were fooled.
Paul Wade is a fake. I guess I should make up a fictional character to sell a program that no prisoner
in any prison uses. Most people that use and fight the fact “Convict Conditioning” is real or NOT real
are men that don’t train very much, yet they will give you a keyboard ass kicking, telling you how bad
ass they are.
Because if it’s on the internet it’s got to be real and if that is the case, keyboard tough guys have got to
be tough.Most people have no idea why they train, other than to look good and say look what I can
almost do.
Dragon Door has a book “Explosiveness Calisthenics” and in the book they push bullshit that no man
over 20 is going to do. Things like running front flips, kip ups, Parkour. I think what is worse is people
that write testimonials for a product they can’t or won’t use. Does anyone have an ounce of integrity?
Yet the majority of fitness men have no idea what it’s like to train and work a manual labor job. It takes
more physical and mental toughness than most today’s fitness icons will ever know. People who are
historians of the strength, boxing and wrestling know that so many strong, strong fit men were hard
As a matter of fact when it comes to labor I will out work almost any fitness strong man. I don’t care how
much you squat one time, how much metal you bend, how muscular you are, if you don’t do it you can’t do it!
Try dead lifting 135 lbs 505 times in 1 hour or pick up from the ground and press a 35 lb rock over head
1,000 times in 1 hour and let me know how the rest of your week goes, try it tough guy! I know I will be at
work but will you be able to move? Basic high rep training, jump ropes, carrying things for miles are too
much for today’s average man!
Some reason so called experts think high reps are not something that will get you combat ready or strong
enough, I disagree and have proven it over the years, most big men will have a tough time out muscling me.
And I stopped all the bull shit tricks and just started working hard. Things like “Convict Conditioning” and
“Explosive Calisthenics” will never build physical and mental toughness like 1,000 8 count body builders!
Then you have the guys who will watch a video of someone and comment something like “I know someone
that can do more then that” or “That ain’t that tough” just stupid fucking comments.
Hey, Jerkoff you might know some who can do what the other guy is doing but you can’t, so stop
commenting before a man catches you and kicks your no nothing weak ass!
While you’re at home drinking your protein shake, I will still be pushing my mind and body to limits
doing things that most so called strong, fit men will never understand!
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
Yes, there a lot of phonies in the fitness racket, but consider the amount of time average men spend watching TV and playing computer games and how a fraction of that time doing compound movements with weights or pullups would build some serious strength.
i really like your articles, BUT
sometimes you are a little jealous pussy.
1. high rep training is not limited to only normal push ups and squats. some people can also train high rep style with one arm push ups and pistols, so where´s the problem
2. most of the guys you are reffering to train with the basics and with high reps. the other stuff is just for show. i guess you know what it means to stand in front of a camera and show a little bit off…nothing wrong with that
3.some of your stuff could also be seen as circus, or whatever
4.and even if it is circus: what´s the problem? first you are pissed pff because people are getting fat and do not train, now you are pissed because they train, but not like you
you do not know anything about those guys and why they train like they do. maybe they are unemployed. so whats better: sitting all day in front of the tv, or trying to learn new tricks?
5.they are not filming leg training. so what? y never show any pull ups. can you do at least 5?
whats the point? everyone should train like they enjoy. dogmatic shit should be left for people like pavel tsatsouline.
now i am going to do some basic calisthenics stuff. have a nice day!!!
Troy, jealous? No I say whay needs to be said. Fitness
today is becoming a joke. I would never sell anything or make up
a fraudulant person to sell anything.
I no longer do many pullups but can do maybe
15 TO 20 at any given time. I dont find them
useful with my lifestyle so dont do many
do you do any rope climbing?
just asking,
because i realised for myself, that for me and my lifestyle there are 3 important things:
-being able to pick heavy stuff up and walk with it
-being able to run long and fast
plus, i really like to climb things up. was good at it even at school, when all i did was “just” push ups and playing football.
makes me realise, yeah, i can relate to your attitude, that the most basic stuff helps with almost everything.
Troy, I no longer climb ropes. would at some point like to hang a pegboard.
I’m a firm believer in carrying heavy things over a good distance. I love doing sprints, hill sprints and jumping rope.
Fitness has become a way of the marketer. I like training and talking about it. but I wouldn’t sell anything just to make money.
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2010年7月8日、スイス布拉苏糸村――スイスタブ業の伝統的な休日で、多芸多才の音楽巨擘クインシージョーンズ(Quincyジョーンズ)オーデマピゲ表グループCEOの莫菲利(フィリップ・Merk)さんの案内でオーデマピゲタブ工場を見学しました。ウブロスーパーコピーこのオーデマピゲ表と縁の深い伝奇音楽人、この度の旅行の経験を発掘したオーデマピゲ表表壇の先駆けとしての深遠なタブの文化、特に見た自分の名前のMILLENARYミレニアムクインシージョーンズ(Quincyジョーンズ)限定腕時計の制作蘊奥。「オーデマピゲ工場、タブ職人たちに見せる好プレー印象が殘って。彼らは偉大な創造者、激情あふれるアーティスト、ちょうど私が音楽プロデューサーとしてサービスのあれらの才能豊かな人。」クインシージョーンズ(Quincyジョーンズ)は音楽史の上で影響力の裕福な伝説の人物は依然としてを提唱し、ポップスの普及発展に力を入れる。元トランペットのクインシージョーンズ、後に従事し、指揮、続々とアレンジ音楽レコード制作などの仕事。カルティエ時計コピープロデューサーの間で出版された数十枚ジャズミュージシャンのアルバムを務めるレコード、フランク・辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)、バーバラ・史翠珊(Barbara Streisand)、汤尼•クラスナイト(Tony Bennett)などの国際スターのプロデューサー。1978年、クインシージョーンズとマイケル・ジャクソン(MichaelJackson)と出会い、彼のために制作した『塀の外」や「戦慄」、「速い」など3枚のアルバムにレコード。こちらの達人生花の天才編曲家と慧眼識英雄の音楽伯楽は、常にその鋭い嗅覚の音楽を生み出し空前絶後の経典金曲。ファンの愛称をQのクインシージョーンズも気前情熱の化身。クインシージョーンズ人道的精神に基づいて救済、かつて人気歌手アメリカ召集46位を行いの「Weアレthe World四海一家》専輯レコードは美しい。オメガコピー彼は一人で創設のクインシージョーンズ基金会は保護児童権益を守るために努力することを目的とし、全世界の子どもの福祉、健康と尊厳。オーデマピゲ時計工場とこちらは平凡な音楽巨擘協力推進するQ計画。この計画を訴えの政界と社会大衆配慮靑少年の創作表現現し、必要の賛助と協力し、彼らの潜在力を発揮する。
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I wholeheartedly feel where you’re coming from Wildman . So many people wanna look fancy instead of putting in work . Me personally i say to each its own but when they start trying to push their BS to the masses thats what i hate . The basics go a long way , anyone preaching otherwise is selling BS .
Much Respect Wildman