The other day I walked into a grocery store and used the bathroom, walked up to the urinal and some fucking savage shit in the pisser!
I went into a fucking rant! Must of been some third world savage who is used to shitting in the street and don’t know where they are supposed to shit!
But I guarantee that wasn’t the case, just some piece of shit making someone else’s life harder, I just wished I could walk in on some fuck doing that!
Think about the males who seek government assistance because they are victims, they are oppressed!
Think about the fuck who walks away from his family, who quits, who don’t care whether his kids live or die!
Think about the third world refugees, the men who run from their country like a cowardly dog running into the arms of stronger men who they expect to protect and provide for them.
Or the third world fucks who run from their shithole country leaving their wife and kids to be raped and sold as slaves!
We provide for these men who run and their families I feel we should, the tax payers should get a Christmas card or at least be able fuck their filthy wife, after all we are paying for them!
Yeah, no self-help bull shit, just real life!
Self-Help gurus tell you to look at the good side.
What’s the positive side of someone shitting in a urinal, that at least he didn’t shit on the floor and I didn’t step in it?
What’s the positive side of supporting cowards who run from their country, the positive side being what? More dangerous cities and states, and more tax dollars coming out of my pocket?
Writing is great therapy, if more people did write there would be less need for booze and drugs.
Offended? Good you’re probably some soft bitch expecting a strong man to provide and protect you!
Johnny Grube
You can thank our piece of shit government for letting these pieces of shit in the country in the first place, then taxing the fuck out of us.
Basic decency is a dying quality these days. Those of us who still retain it are few and far between.
U americans are nation made of immigrants with no genetic background,anyone that want to become american can do that,other than that u can never become for example french or german or irish just by immigrating there,u r children of people who shitted in teepee of real americans,indians
The strong take from the weak! Stop being a cry baby loser who only knows weakness.
Strong took shit in ur urinal,and u r bitching
Shitting in the urinal is a sign of strength ????
When u or someone u assimilate with take something from somebody,its sign of strength,when somebody do that to u,its bitch move
People in third world countries shit in the street, I bet you do too.
I dont come from third world county,i bet my streets are cleaner then yours,nobody sleeps in the street aswell