Never Conform To The Weakest Of Our Society

Probably 95% of men or more are physically and mentally weak. They are contributing to the destruction of society and don’t realize these fucking soft, comfortable times are destroying what men are supposed to be!

You do not need to lift a fucking weight inside of any gym to be a capable man who is more superior physically and mentally than almost man walking the street.

Open your eyes, look at the condition of men, you are on your own, we have become Jurassic Park, The Land of The Lost, and most men don’t have a clue.

Men who choose weakness are degenerate, and usually live a secretly degenerate lifestyle!

It’s not hard to be a man among men today. Weak men seek out all that is weak, strong men seek out all that is strong.

Conformity has become the cry of today’s ever weakening society, a society of mental disease, a degenerate society of men and women who have no thought process of their own.

Conformity to weakness is never ending pain and sadness, destruction of the soul.

Conformity to strength is the only way of surviving and thriving.

If you don’t choose one, weakness ALWAYS wins!

Weakness is what mosr choose as their way to live, avoid any and all friends and family who honor weakness, and vilify strength.

These weak minded conformists will destroy everyone in their path if you allow it!

Do NOT conform to the weakest of today’s society.

Johnny Grube


  1. Seems like being the “villain” or being the person who doesn’t conform to weakness is fun lol.

  2. I always seem to be the villain.

  3. It says a lot about modern society when qualities that used to be expected of a man now get him labelled the villain.

  4. You wrote
    “Men who choose weakness are degenerate, and usually live a secretly degenerate lifestyle!”
    I disgree with you here , they usually live an OPENLY degenerate lifestyle and are praised for it ! I walk past the police station on the way to work , they are flying the rainbow flag! Apparently the police’s job is now to promote homosexuality and transgenderism.I see people in the street and I have to look carefully to see if they are male or female. I see people who look like freak-show exhibits. I am basically disgusted by much of what I have to put up with every day , really it is only here and similar places I find anything decent and worthy.

  5. if you conform to the laws set in the district you live in? you’re weak.

    if you conform to the rules of the road? you’re weak.

    if you conform to the rules of property ownership? you’re weak.

    if you conform to the rules of society? you’re weak.

    if you conform to not assaulting or killing random ppl? you’re weak.

    if you conform to not comitting incest? you’re weak.

    if you conform to not having sexual relations with the dead? you’re weak.

    if you conform to not locking children in prison like settings and abusing them? you’re weak.

    if you conform to conformity? you’re weak.

    i can keep poking holes in your despot therories all day.

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