Weak effeminate men are starting to take over! They screech like little girls
stomping their feet like a two year old that needs attention. These weaklings
would have you believe they are educated, fuck! If it isn’t on their phone they
have no fucking clue what is going on!
These weak men are abused by stronger women and for these guys there is no
help, they will always be a weak pathetic man that is laughed at when he shows
his feelings and feminine side!
Guys like the one below need to bullied and get his ass kicked on a
regular basis!
They are just as bad as these fucking fat feminist women, the ones with tattoos,
buzz cuts, and bright colored hair they have no idea society finds them
absolutely repugnant!
They are upset men do NOT want them, and they NEVER have to worry
about sexual assault, because these hogs will give it up with the
smallest compliment, then they think they will get called the next day!
All we can do is to humiliate these these freaks, these outcasts the people that
if it wasn’t for the weakness in society would be sitting home wishing that cool
kids would talk to them.
Fuck this new society, it’s a fucking embarrassment!
Johnny Grube
Looks to me like The man in the picture has bigger boobs than the woman in the picture below him.
Seriously though, I love how you always speak your mind. I always speak my mind and say what I think too, I like you have offended people because of it, but a lot of people can’t handle the truth and that is why they get offended. Keep up the good work that you are doing.
Thanks man, Yeah people hate me for it too, but who cares!