The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body
movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people
in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them.
The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of
training or the use of more one arm and one leg work? Or how great ” Convict Conditioning” is
I will tell you, most people don’t do them in high numbers it’s because it is physically and mentally painful.
It’s much easier to do to do single reps with a lot of rest between sets then repping
out 100 8 count body builders or doing hundreds of burpees as fast as possible. Some say it’s boring,
and I say it becomes a battle of will to finish something so grueling.
People in fitness talk a good game but very few are tough enough to use their
bodyweight in very high reps and it’s because most don’t have the stomach
for it. Try and bang out 100 8 count body builders in under 10 minutes and better
yet under 8 minutes and then tell me how your body feels, how you’re walking
and talking.
When I did 1,000 8 Count Body Builders in 2 hours 20 minutes it was the most I ever
done and it was extremely tough to finish. I really only rely on exercises that
tend to hit the major muscles because of time. I don’t want to spend hours in the
gym anymore I feel it is a waste of time.
The above video is a more brutal version of the 8 Count Body Builder by jumping
on and off a 15″ bench Try 100 for time see if you can finish in under 15 minutes
my best time was 10:59 my goal is to get to under 10 minutes. The problem is
with this speed and amount is tough physically and mentally.
If you quit on yourself when the pain is to much you can’t be trusted by anyone!
Remember people that talk a good game will never do these long term because
they are just to mentally weak. It’s easier to take breaks and prolong the workouts
then go in balls to the wall and get it done.
Let’s hear your comments
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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