“Weak men look to other weak men for strength, but a weak man can’t give
advice on strength!”
Mental toughness and self discipline go hand and hand. You can’t have one without the
other. We are lacking in society with men that lack mental toughness and self discipline
like no other time.
Today’s men give up, they whine, they look for excuses and nothing is their fault. Weak
men look to other weak men for strength, but a weak man can’t give advice on strength!
Weak undisciplined men are not mentally tough, they look for the easiest, weakest
path and if they don’t make it, they blame someone else!
Every year men continue to lose masculinity, they get softer and weaker every single
day, these weak men are easily offended, and weak men are offended by strong men
just like strong men are offended by weak men!
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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