Mentally Weak
power to continue even though physically able to.
Everyone who has any clue can look around and see how pathetic men have become.
The one thing that has made men so unmanly is societies push for “Sugar Coating”
everything! And the so called tough guys are the ones crying the most about how they
are victims.
I hear so many so called strong tough guys crying about injuries all the time, they spend
more time talking injury then actual working out. There is only one reason they do this,
and it’s for sympathy!
In my opinion it’s easy to train when you aren’t physical the majority of the time, men that
sit most of the time at a job have plenty of rest time and there should be no excuse for
not training.
I personal enjoy being a laborer, I personally enjoy being in environment of men that
have a set of balls, don’t get me wrong there is a lot of physically and mentally weak
laborers these are the guys calling off work either being sick or being injured.
For a short time about 8 months I tried working in a non labor job and I was like
a caged animal, I decided I needed to expend more energy daily and went back
to labor.
But today it’s just easier to make excuses and people will actually support and validate
those excuses, and it’s complete bull shit. Another thing is these manly men very rarely
stand their ground because they are afraid they will offend someone and they will lose
a friend, grow a set!
Most men can’t handle some one getting in their face and telling them they are being
a pussy, instead they want a hug, I always did better when people told me to man
up, fuck making excuses, this is the real world people will walk over you if you
let them.
Even these gurus who want everyone to like them by keeping their eyes shut
not saying anything and always putting their arm around them telling them
it’s NOT their fault, bull shit! It is their fault, these are grown men!
Sugar coating anything is a soft pussy way of dealing with people! You don’t like my
blog, you don’t like me I really don’t care, because someone else will. If I offend you
and I offend a lot, it’s probably because I hit a soft spot in your so called armor.
When you grow up having everything given to you, and when everyone is afraid to say
something because it might offend someone and you probably can’t handle the littlest
stress before you start to look for a hug to make you feel better. Hey, when you grow
up in a physically and mentally demanding environment you either grow or look
to drugs or booze to escape life, and these are people that grow into physically
weak people!
I hear it all the time, when I write like this some people say I’m doing the complaining
and basically I’m just offending the cry babies that want a hug who are the ones that say
this. It’s like if you write a blog you should be nice and not offend people, again if you
are offended, you are weak and soft.
I personally have no friends that will sugar coat anything, I want to be called out, I want
reality thrown in my face, I want them to tell me when I am being a bitch, other people
that don’t know me means nothing to me.
Until men start to man up become physical again we will continue to slip into a weaker
society of weak men, that will soon produce more estrogen then testosterone.
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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