When engaging in a physically and mentally tough workout two things cause what kind of workout
you have, it’s attitude and your self talk. As a matter of fact those two things will probably be the
reason you fail or succeed in anything. Self talk is how you talk to yourself and most talk themselves
down instead of positive up lifting talk. You need to learn to be your own coach. I created an alter ego
that is sadistic and relentless and will whip my ass if I think about giving up , he wants me to feel the pain of discomfort.
Conditioning workouts are the toughest type of training you can do. Lifting heavy for most means
they can lift heavy one or two times and then they are finished. Very few have the time to spend so
much time on conditioning and strong man type training.
I do not have the time, so I have to find a system that allows me to stay strong by lifting moderately
heavy weights for long periods of time and hundreds of reps. As well as using my own bodyweight
using basic bodyweight exercises for hundreds or thousands of reps.
Wrestlers to me are the best conditioned athletes in any sport, these guys are the most physically and mentally tough, then I think about the Navy seals who also spend more time building what I call “conditioned strength” training for survival. Not the biggest, but you get in with them you will
be there a while.
My priority is building a physical and mental toughness through pushing my body past my mental and physical pain barriers. The only way to do this is with savage like attitude and constant powerful self talk.
Self talk is something no one talks about and most people have no idea what it is. Most self talk is usually things like, this hurts. I need to quit. This is to much, I don’t want to get hurt. And these people fail, with negative self talk they talk themselves in to failure.
Remember self talk needs to be like a brutally tough training partner, someone that will whip your ass for giving up, someone that will ridicule you for stopping. Most people act like they have their mom as
their training partner, to much pain and they need mommy to kiss their boo boo!
Anyone that has had their conditioning tested knows when the body starts shutting down the mind starts getting those quitter thoughts, and these thoughts are usually the first sign of fatigue and like the great coach Vince Lombardi said “Fatigue makes cowards of us all”
When Fatigue sets in that is when you find out who you really are, are you a weak man who only goes until he feels a little pain then quits? Or are you the guy that goes until the focused goal you set is finished no matter how long?
If you quit on yourself when a little pain sets in, you train yourself in all areas of life to quit. How will you be able to look at yourself in the mirror every day knowing you are a quitter, you let yourself down. I think that why so many people turn to drugs, food and alcohol for comfort it’s because they can’t handle the pain of quitting and failure. A quitters attitude is always going to equal failure!
Learning to push the mind and body past the limits is what will build a toughness that can be used
in all areas of life. Train hard so everything else is easy. Physical and mental pain build toughness.
A very tough workout you can try is a simple but tough workout, that will get your self talk telling
you to give in but you can’t allow that. If you go into any workout with a I’m all ready beat attitude you will have tough time getting through any workout.
Jump rope 50 times and in ascending order go from 1 to 20 doing regular 4 count burpees
- 1 burpee
- jump rope 50 times
- 2 burpees
- jump rope 50 times
- 3 burpees
- jump rope 50 times
- 4 burpees
- jump rope 50 times
All the way to 20 rounds with little or no rest. Finishing jumping rope 1,000 times and 210 burpees
Going from 1 to 20 is much tougher than 20 to 1, it’s easier to do 1 burpee at the end of the workout
then 20 burpees.
Toughness Builds Winners
Johnny Grube
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