Train To Be Durable NOT Broken!

The gym mentality of men in the gym, are the bigger you are, the more self worth you have.

Size doesn’t always equal strength.

As a matter of fact, pound for pound men who weigh less are usually stronger.

I love nothing more than doing an unplanned workout, in street or work clothes.

I’ll work all day, come home cut the grass wearing a 40 lb weight vest and some ankle weights than hit a short unplanned workout.

In my line of work I have to constantly push and pull on weighted objects of 800 to 2,000 lbs and the difference between weighing 240 lbs and 150 lbs is a huge difference.

I personally know from experience extra bodyweight does not mean extra strength.

I also know that extra bodyweight is valuable to get something heavy in motion.

It’s not extra strength it’s the extra body weight that can be useful in pushing and pulling on weighted objects.

I my environment it’s not common place to see men much under 200 lbs.

Lighter men have a tough time staying durable pushing on heavier weight over time than the heavier men.

But the extra bulk wears these men down quickly. Knees, backs, shoulders are common problems for heavier guys in a labor environment!

There are a few very durable lighter men I have worked with over the years that are the go to men, to get shit done!

I have seen a 240 lb guy bring back a 40 lb tool box, because he didn’t have a lift gate on his trailer!

But weight does come into play, it’s why there are different weight class in sports.

But in the real world, the more naturally strong you are from a life time of real physical activity, from childhood to adult will determine your real natrual strength.

I have heard of many men who lift heavy weights, hurt themselves moving a couch, or tearing a bicep just picking something up!

In over 30 years of labor I never heard of any laborer ripping a bicep!

But a torn bicep is looked at like they have accomplished something monumental.

Life long labor gives you a mindset that is different from the gym mindset.

Mindset drives the body to either weakness or strength, most embrace the “injury is an honor” mindset!

I train to be durable not broken!


Grad a dumbbell one hand dead lift it 10 times.

Grab a heavy bag from the ground, near hug it,  and explosively throw it over your shoulder.

Do 10 rounds!

100 total dead lifts and 10 heavy bag throws.

Check that conditioning!

Johnny Grube


  1. I do dairy farming 6 days a week in heat and in coolers . Never need a recovery shake and or recovery day . Come home hit the Heavybag work on shit around the house and then do some burpees here and there . 7 days a week my body is in motion and all the shit the experts say that you need this that and the third has all been wrong . I can’t imagine working a desk job or working a cash register or something. I love my lifestyle . I earn my meal every night

  2. Marovsky says

    Started doing high rep Hindu push ups and Hindu squats. Seems to be great for me so far, I am able to crank out 60 hindu push ups and grow from there. Eventually, I will reach 100.

  3. Glen MacCharles says

    Hindu Squats and Hindu pushups are favourites of mine as well. As are dumbbell deadlifts.

  4. How long till the “Anti-Gym Manifesto” drops? Amazon or through here? I have a gut feeling it’s close. Looking forward to it.

  5. Glen do you do high reps with dumbbell deads? I do these too from time to time. Incredibly taxing. Sometimes I set a rep goal of 50 and see how many sets it takes to get there with a given weight.

  6. During my Samson chair tonight I had a thought. Well, after it was over and a rush of euphoria passed over me from all the oxygen and blood going into my legs haha…More people are fans of isometrics than they think. Hatha Yoga (especially Iyengar style) is a series of static isometric postures. Even if you don’t subscribe to the spiritual mumbo jumbo and just “go through the motions”, one will get stronger, more flexible, and feel great afterwards. They make hatha easier now so it sells to little old ladies and gym rats but it’s serious business if one follows the rules and tries to master certain poses. According to Iyengar, to completely master a pose one must hold it (without wavering and of calm mind) for 3 hours. Whew! haha

    Also, I’m of the Karl Gotch system of thought that no matter what I’m doing (even full exertion) one should try to remain as relaxed as possible – only using the muscles needed consciously and conserving energy in others.

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