I think most men are drawn to strength, it has always been a manly
virtue. Weakness has always been looked down on, and whether
society is ready to accept weakness as a manly virtue it will never
be in my world.
I will NEVER apologize for how I think about weak men!
Weak men are more likely to be unemployed.
Weak men are led by other weak men.
Weak men are NOT capable of thinking for themselves.
Weak men complain about their situation, but never
fix it.
Weak men are more likely to call off work more often.
Weak men are more often to be sick.
Weak men always lack pride and any honor.
Weak men lack any type of ethics.
Weak men are more likely to raise weak kids.
Weak men are more likely to run out on their kids.
Weak men are more likely to play the victim card.
Weak men are more likely to quit when times are tough.
Weak men are more likely to have to be protected.
Weak men are less likely to provide for their family.
Weak men are more likely to blame others for their lack.
Weak men are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.
Weak men are less likely to stand up for their values.
Weak men are easily bullied.
Weak men are less likely to think for themselves.
Weak men think it’s okay to allow a women to be
the main provider.
Weak men are less likely to stand up for his family, to
avoid confrontation.
Weak men allow others to support his family.
Weak men run at the first sign of trouble.
Weak men are more selfish.
Weak men are less trust worthy because they live
with a code of weakness.
Weak men talk a good game, but have nothing to show
for it.
Weak men want better, but never do ANYTHING to
get better.
Weak men don’t respect the time of others.
Weak men ask for continuous help.
Weak men want FREE advice, they will never use.
Weak men will NOT spend more to improve their life
or the life of their family.
Weak men are takers, they produce nothing of value
and should be treated like they are, a weak embarrassment!
Nothing great is EVER accomplished with weakness!
Strength is the ONLY way!
Johnny Grube
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