Decided to do a blog to show what a squat thrust is and what a 4 count burpee or what I call a military squat thrust is. As you can see in the video below is the actual "Squat thrust" The video below shows the 4 count burpee a.k.a military squat thrust. Try them both, both will give you a great workout, if you can handle lots of reps. These are not exercises that … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training – How Does Your Training Program Compare?
People can talk all day about their training program, if I can accomplish things like 10,000 burpees in a month 1,000 8 count body builders in 2:20 minutes 4,600 bench dips on 15" bench in under 2 hours Swim for 1 hour non stop Do 100 extended superman pushups in under 5 minutes 1,000 Sumo Squats holding a 35 lb rock without putting it down in 41 minutes. Run a mountain carrying an 80lb … [Read more...]
1,000 Sumo Squats and a 35lb Rock
Training for physical and mental toughness is tough! Most people have no idea why they train and what their goal is. With no goal you will never get results, because you will be switching from one workout to another never being satisfied because you have no idea of what you are after. I focus on very few exercises, over the years I have simplified my training so that I can get the fastest … [Read more...]