Bodyweight Training – 10,000 Ring Pushups in 30 Days!

I just completed another 10,000 rep challenge by doing 10,000 ring pushups rings about 7" from the ground feet elevated on a 17" base in 30 days. Why did I do 10,000 ring pushups in 30 days? For building physical and mental toughness and discipline! Johnny Grube using a 75 lb back pack for some "Ring Pushups" I have had rings for years but didn't use them … [Read more...]

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training I guess I look at training differently than the majority. I look at training as something that can be taken out of the gym and in to the real world.I want training that is going to help me survive. Today's workout's focus on training that requires a big learning curve and to me requires too much time. Progression training is what … [Read more...]

Build Great Strength with this Old School Training Tool

I have told you before I was a weight trainer for many years before my body started to get beat up and started being less effective. Earning my living as a manual laborer and training for over 30 years my body started needing more time to recover than I spent in actual training time. But I didn't give up all old school training tools. I have some that are over 25 years old. One that I … [Read more...]

Building Nontraditional Strength

  Building Nontraditional Strength I believe in building real world strength. When I train I can care less about having a six pack when it comes to abs. I don’t use traditional ab exercises, my everyday training see’s to that. I train with total function in mind very rarely do I do any ab exercise just to do them. Pretty boys that like the plank is fine, I’m not trying to build … [Read more...]