Survival Physical Fitness

Every guy on the planet thinks they are in good enough shape to save their own life. Hey, man if you breathe heavy after you take the stairs or have a tough time getting off the couch you can't save your own life or your family! Survival fitness isn't found in the gym, but you can build a good foundation by getting stronger. A lot of big heavy weight pushers will almost always disagree … [Read more...]

Manual Labor Workout – Strength and Conditioning in One

This was a father and son type challenge. It was testing our strength and conditioning, neither one of has ever done the workout before. We used a 50 to 70 yard hill, an 80 lb heavy bag and 55 lb DB's for farmer walks. Actually the last time I used a dumbell was to move them out of my way, so I guess close to 20 years no dumbell use. I thought carrying the 55lb DB's up the hill were … [Read more...]

“Conditioned Strength” Makes A Weak Man Strong and A Strong Man Weak

Here is a workout that will test some physical and mental toughness it's very leg intensive and don't think jumping rope is a rest, all it does is make it harder to jump as the legs get tired: Jump rope 50 times - Do 10 step ups on a 15"bench holding a 50 lb plate for 50 non stop rounds when done you will have done 500 step ups holding a 50 lb plate and have jumped rope 2,500 times I have … [Read more...]

Bull Shit Training Trickery

Bull Shit Training Trickery I do not train people in a gym, live in a gym or earn my living training people in a gym and it is by choice. Bodyweight tricks and gadgetry no longer appeals to me. I have a job and don’t want to spend hours going to a gym learning how to be a gymnast. I was also caught up in to the party tricks of “Look at what I can do”. With a manual labor job where my body is … [Read more...]

Simple but Brutal Back Pack Workout

Today had a brutal workout, but it would sound to boring and simple for the average person that trains. When workouts are simple people seem to look past simplicity and look for more complicated. I will tell you that complicated rarely works long term. If when you workout and you find yourself spending to much time trying to remember the next exercise, you are wasting valuable training time … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – Back Pack Training for Building Great Strength

Want to switch up the bodyweight training? Try some back pack training. It's pretty simple, all you need is a strong back pack and add some weight and you have a tool for building great over all body strength. The back pack will force the body to work and stabilize muscles that are not usually used in the traditional way weights will effect them. The weighted back pack will add a … [Read more...]