Survival Physical Fitness

Every guy on the planet thinks they are in good enough shape to save their own life. Hey, man if you breathe heavy after you take the stairs or have a tough time getting off the couch you can't save your own life or your family! Survival fitness isn't found in the gym, but you can build a good foundation by getting stronger. A lot of big heavy weight pushers will almost always disagree … [Read more...]

Manual Labor Workout – Strength and Conditioning in One

This was a father and son type challenge. It was testing our strength and conditioning, neither one of has ever done the workout before. We used a 50 to 70 yard hill, an 80 lb heavy bag and 55 lb DB's for farmer walks. Actually the last time I used a dumbell was to move them out of my way, so I guess close to 20 years no dumbell use. I thought carrying the 55lb DB's up the hill were … [Read more...]

Brutal 420 Heavy Bag “Shouldering Slams” in 1 hour

Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]

Brutal Manual Labor Workout

In the video I am using a hand truck a 120 lb heavy bag, a 40 lb weight vest 10 lb ankle weights that is 180 extra pounds I am dragging up and down a pretty steep 60 yard hill. I did the hill 10 times and it was very tough and it was the first time I done this in training. But I had to drag the heavy bag while wearing the weighted vest and ankle weights about 600 total yards just to get to … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training – How Does Your Training Program Compare?

People can talk all day about their training program, if I can accomplish things like 10,000 burpees in a month 1,000 8 count body builders in 2:20 minutes 4,600 bench dips on 15" bench in under 2 hours Swim for 1 hour non stop Do 100 extended superman pushups in under 5 minutes 1,000 Sumo Squats holding a 35 lb rock without putting it down in 41 minutes. Run a mountain carrying an 80lb … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training 100 8 – Count Bodybuilders a Tough test

8 count body builders is one exercise that the Navy Seals and other military use to get men in to great shape fast. A simple movement with massive benefits. I read in one book that the author pointed out on Friday was 100 8-count body builder day, and they had to do 100 every Friday. When I read this I  just started back with bodyweight training and had  just given up the traditional … [Read more...]