Bob Backlund: Ab Wheel / Step ups Will Build Amazing Strength And Conditioning!

It's no secret I am a big fan of  the AB Wheel for building superhuman type core strength. The other night talking to Bob Backlund and asking him about the Ab Wheel and Step ups he told me that the Ab Wheel got him so strong through out his entire body that men used to be so amazed of how his upper body was almost immovable. He also said it is one of the main reasons he can still do the … [Read more...]

A Tough Training Style

Workouts wildman style are in my opinion made for almost any situation if you can stomach them! Had a workout the other day in a kayak, 1 hour time limit and the first 30 minutes I went all out for 1 minute then slow paddle 1 minute for 30 minutes then the last 30 just regular non stop paddling and for anyone that know anything about paddling it's very demanding, it was the first time … [Read more...]

“Conditioned Strength” Makes A Weak Man Strong and A Strong Man Weak

Here is a workout that will test some physical and mental toughness it's very leg intensive and don't think jumping rope is a rest, all it does is make it harder to jump as the legs get tired: Jump rope 50 times - Do 10 step ups on a 15"bench holding a 50 lb plate for 50 non stop rounds when done you will have done 500 step ups holding a 50 lb plate and have jumped rope 2,500 times I have … [Read more...]

Paddy Doyle – World Record Holder and Old School Tough Guy!

Paddy Doyle Old School Tough Guy Paddy was an ex - paratrooper, a Doorman, Bodyguard and Black Belt 3 DAN martial arts instructor. A Multi World record holder Paddy Doyle has been breaking world records since 1987 with the first when he did 4,100 pushups in 4 1/2 hours with a 50 lb plate on his back. Since then Doyle's career achievements of strength speed stamina records are now 360, … [Read more...]

Complicated Bodyweight Routines are a waste of time!

INSANE 1 minute workout - can you survive it? Is the name of this video For years I have talked about the benefits of basic, simple high rep training for all around real world physical fitness. I also have talked on the benefits of keeping each workout to 1 to 3 different exercises. Most experts who write books or train people feel the need to have people do 10 or more exercises in a … [Read more...]

How Do You Build Physical And Mental Toughness?

  I am a big fan of mental and physical toughness. Every man will tell you they are physically and mentally tough but their lifestyle contradicts their belief. I have heard people comment on the high rep training that I do, and how boring it seems. They are right; it is boring and downright physically and mentally painful. My question is how do you build toughness? You don't build … [Read more...]

Bodyweight Training 1,000 Star Jumpers 1,000 Step Ups total 9,500 reps for 5 days

1,000 Star Jumpers 1,000 Step Ups on 15” bench total 9,500 reps for 5 days Friday was jump rope 1,000 times and 1,000 pushups, Saturday’s brutal workout was 1,000 star jumpers and 1,000 step ups on 15” bench total time was 1 hour and 25 minutes. Anyone who thinks it might be easy go ahead give it a try. My plan changes from time to time when I train. Today I planned to do 1,000 Star Jumpers … [Read more...]

Over training bullshit! Part 1

Really, over training? When someone gets injured the first thing most people think is they are over training. I do believe people need to rest but the majority really think by treadmill training or kettle bell swinging or doing hundreds of pushups they are over training. All the years I have been training and it's over 30 years my injuries always come from doing something stupid. It wasn't … [Read more...]

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training

Navy Seal type training or Gymnastic type training I guess I look at training differently than the majority. I look at training as something that can be taken out of the gym and in to the real world.I want training that is going to help me survive. Today's workout's focus on training that requires a big learning curve and to me requires too much time. Progression training is what … [Read more...]

Building Nontraditional Strength

  Building Nontraditional Strength I believe in building real world strength. When I train I can care less about having a six pack when it comes to abs. I don’t use traditional ab exercises, my everyday training see’s to that. I train with total function in mind very rarely do I do any ab exercise just to do them. Pretty boys that like the plank is fine, I’m not trying to build … [Read more...]