My opinion on the Paleo Diet and Training Program
I don't think much about the Paleo diet because it really no longer exists. Paleo is mostly to eat clean food. And to eliminate things like legumes, grains etc. The Paleo diet will work I personally have a tough time eating lots of meat. I eat lots of eggs, nuts, seeds lots of vegetables, legumes, quinoa and some meat and chicken and drink tons of water my body just heals faster. But they have … [Read more...]
Overweight? Athletic or Just Jelly Filled
So if you're fat it's my fault? If you're fat it's societies fault. If you're fat it's genetics. People who get upset and defensive taking on the fight for the fat people have no fight! People make excuses all the time for everything in their lives and blame everyone and thing. I don't know if you noticed more than half the population is overweight or obese and I'm not talking about … [Read more...]
Brutal 420 Heavy Bag “Shouldering Slams” in 1 hour
Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]
“Conditioned Strength” Makes A Weak Man Strong and A Strong Man Weak
Here is a workout that will test some physical and mental toughness it's very leg intensive and don't think jumping rope is a rest, all it does is make it harder to jump as the legs get tired: Jump rope 50 times - Do 10 step ups on a 15"bench holding a 50 lb plate for 50 non stop rounds when done you will have done 500 step ups holding a 50 lb plate and have jumped rope 2,500 times I have … [Read more...]
The Difference between Squat Thrusts and the 4 Count Burpee
Decided to do a blog to show what a squat thrust is and what a 4 count burpee or what I call a military squat thrust is. As you can see in the video below is the actual "Squat thrust" The video below shows the 4 count burpee a.k.a military squat thrust. Try them both, both will give you a great workout, if you can handle lots of reps. These are not exercises that … [Read more...]
The 8 Count Body Builder a Brutal Version
The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them. The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of training or the use of more one … [Read more...]
Bull Shit Training Trickery
Bull Shit Training Trickery I do not train people in a gym, live in a gym or earn my living training people in a gym and it is by choice. Bodyweight tricks and gadgetry no longer appeals to me. I have a job and don’t want to spend hours going to a gym learning how to be a gymnast. I was also caught up in to the party tricks of “Look at what I can do”. With a manual labor job where my body is … [Read more...]