I don't think much about the Paleo diet because it really no longer exists. Paleo is mostly to eat clean food. And to eliminate things like legumes, grains etc. The Paleo diet will work I personally have a tough time eating lots of meat. I eat lots of eggs, nuts, seeds lots of vegetables, legumes, quinoa and some meat and chicken and drink tons of water my body just heals faster. But they have … [Read more...]
Brutal 420 Heavy Bag “Shouldering Slams” in 1 hour
Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]
Complicated Bodyweight Routines are a waste of time!
INSANE 1 minute workout - can you survive it? Is the name of this video For years I have talked about the benefits of basic, simple high rep training for all around real world physical fitness. I also have talked on the benefits of keeping each workout to 1 to 3 different exercises. Most experts who write books or train people feel the need to have people do 10 or more exercises in a … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training – How Does Your Training Program Compare?
People can talk all day about their training program, if I can accomplish things like 10,000 burpees in a month 1,000 8 count body builders in 2:20 minutes 4,600 bench dips on 15" bench in under 2 hours Swim for 1 hour non stop Do 100 extended superman pushups in under 5 minutes 1,000 Sumo Squats holding a 35 lb rock without putting it down in 41 minutes. Run a mountain carrying an 80lb … [Read more...]
The Godfather of Bodyweight Training
When I was a kid in the 70's and 80's kids were more active in all areas. Kids that weren't active were usually fat, but very few were fat. As kids we played sports, climbed trees, ran, jumped could ride our bikes all day without any problem. Kids could do pullups, pushups could run a full sprint of 100 yards without hesitation. But in the early 1980's I was turned on to lifting weights and … [Read more...]
1,000 Sumo Squats and a 35lb Rock
Training for physical and mental toughness is tough! Most people have no idea why they train and what their goal is. With no goal you will never get results, because you will be switching from one workout to another never being satisfied because you have no idea of what you are after. I focus on very few exercises, over the years I have simplified my training so that I can get the fastest … [Read more...]
10,000 Burpees a Month
So how much is to much? Listen to the experts and they will tell what you are capable of. Over time I have become more hardened when it comes to my training, my training now is no comparison to the way I trained with heavy weights. I no longer seek out the information of men or trainers that haven't done any great things or push their body beyond their own limits. Over the last 34 … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training 100 8 – Count Bodybuilders a Tough test
8 count body builders is one exercise that the Navy Seals and other military use to get men in to great shape fast. A simple movement with massive benefits. I read in one book that the author pointed out on Friday was 100 8-count body builder day, and they had to do 100 every Friday. When I read this I just started back with bodyweight training and had just given up the traditional … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training Madman
Charles Bronson the notorious criminal who has been in jail for over 30 years, he was a bare knuckle fighter, boxer, world record holder in situps and pushups and has stayed strong and physically fit on isometrics and bodyweight training, it is said he was doing 6,000 pushups a day. He is the author of many books and is mentioned in all books in the United kingdom of "Bad Asses" His fitness … [Read more...]
Bodyweight Training Iranian Style Wrestling Pushup using a park bridge
Just something you can do almost anywhere at anytime. These pushups are not as easy as they appear. You never need any equipment if you don't want to use any, so find a place, any place and get in a workout. Toughness Builds Winners Johnny Grube … [Read more...]