Punch Proof Abs!

A Brutal exercise I have written about many times is the simple, basic tool the Ab Wheel. The Ab Wheel is a serious strength and conditioning tool, the problem is people find how hard it is and how sore they get then gives up. Lately been working on the Standing Ab Wheel Rollout and as of today managed a TOUGH 37! I no longer do the basic training that most people do, I do very little … [Read more...]

Weak Men Are Less Valuable Men

I think most men are drawn to strength, it has always been a manly virtue. Weakness has always been looked down on, and whether society is ready to accept weakness as a manly virtue it will never be in my world. I will  NEVER apologize for how I think about weak men! Weak men are more likely to be unemployed. Weak men are led by other weak men. Weak men are NOT capable of thinking for … [Read more...]

Using “Convict Conditioning” In Prison Will Get You Killed!

Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength! I love when people like to tell me about the book where Paul Wade states that it is For Entertainment Purposes Only! Then states names and histories have been changed! Why did they have to be changed? and said the exercises are valid, and I agree they are valid, but most are useless in a prison environment. Never seen such bullshit! I … [Read more...]

Survival Physical Fitness

Every guy on the planet thinks they are in good enough shape to save their own life. Hey, man if you breathe heavy after you take the stairs or have a tough time getting off the couch you can't save your own life or your family! Survival fitness isn't found in the gym, but you can build a good foundation by getting stronger. A lot of big heavy weight pushers will almost always disagree … [Read more...]

The One Thing Making Men Physically and Mentally Weak

From the Urban Dictionary Mentally Weak Showing mental fatigue in a bitch like manor and lacking the mind power to continue even though physically able to.  Everyone who has any clue can look around and see how pathetic men have become. The one thing that has made men so unmanly is societies push for "Sugar Coating" everything! And the so called tough guys are the ones crying the … [Read more...]

Every Day is Another Day to Build Toughness

Every day is another day to build toughness, physical and mental pain build toughness. Mental and physical toughness is also built through adversity, most people use adversity as a chance to play the victim card. People that cant handle adversity, and play the victim card are the weakest of people. But you can train physical and mental toughness that will help in all areas of life by … [Read more...]

Bull Shit Training Trickery

Bull Shit Training Trickery I do not train people in a gym, live in a gym or earn my living training people in a gym and it is by choice. Bodyweight tricks and gadgetry no longer appeals to me. I have a job and don’t want to spend hours going to a gym learning how to be a gymnast. I was also caught up in to the party tricks of “Look at what I can do”. With a manual labor job where my body is … [Read more...]

How Street Fighter Geoff Thompson Faced His Fears And Demons

  Wisdom January 12th, 2014 How One Man Faced All His Fears And Demons By Daddy Little known in North America, Geoff Thompson is a man of many talents recognized for his street fighting credentials and self-defense advises among the most influential martial artists in the world. He is an example of self-improvement and dedication, of how a man can … [Read more...]

If you’re offended so what!

Some people talk about my rants, like I’m supposed to be a sweet person and hug everyone I see. Being positive doesn’t mean I have to except everything that society is pushing. The wildman philosophy is not just a name; a wildman can turn savage without warning. A wildman is unpredictable as I have been my whole life, but people always know where they stand with me. Sorry folks I’m not … [Read more...]

From weight training to bodyweight training

Let’s see, started lifting at around 12 and the first time I every lifted put 110lbs over my head. In 7th grade bench pressed 200lbs on schools universal gym. In 9th grade at about 145lbs dead lifting 400lbs, would do dips with 110 – 120lbs of weight hanging from a belt would do wide grip pull-ups with 80lbs. In 12th grade at around 145lbs bench pressed 330lbs. Couldn’t gain weight … [Read more...]