I have showed people for years how a few minutes one time a day, or a few times a day, can dramatically change your thoughts of how you can build strength and conditioning far more impressive than entering any gym. https://youtu.be/xAYp3Mru-EQ For instance most people brag about how many pushups they can do, but what about how strong your body is under tension. Muscle under tension is … [Read more...]
Punch Proof Abs!
A Brutal exercise I have written about many times is the simple, basic tool the Ab Wheel. The Ab Wheel is a serious strength and conditioning tool, the problem is people find how hard it is and how sore they get then gives up. Lately been working on the Standing Ab Wheel Rollout and as of today managed a TOUGH 37! I no longer do the basic training that most people do, I do very little … [Read more...]
Heavy Bag Slams/Ab Wheel Rollouts
Like it or not workouts like this are effective building strength and and a high level of conditioning. 5 - 70 lb Heavy bag slams 10 Ab Wheel Rollouts 10 rounds as fast as possible Strength Builds Toughness Johnny Grube … [Read more...]
Survival Physical Fitness
Every guy on the planet thinks they are in good enough shape to save their own life. Hey, man if you breathe heavy after you take the stairs or have a tough time getting off the couch you can't save your own life or your family! Survival fitness isn't found in the gym, but you can build a good foundation by getting stronger. A lot of big heavy weight pushers will almost always disagree … [Read more...]
Manual Labor Workout – Strength and Conditioning in One
This was a father and son type challenge. It was testing our strength and conditioning, neither one of has ever done the workout before. We used a 50 to 70 yard hill, an 80 lb heavy bag and 55 lb DB's for farmer walks. Actually the last time I used a dumbell was to move them out of my way, so I guess close to 20 years no dumbell use. I thought carrying the 55lb DB's up the hill were … [Read more...]
Cinder Block Training
If you need a gym to train your options are limited. If you can't find a way to train where ever you are, your training program is weak and limited! In the video I am using a 50 lb cinder block I found and it can be an ass kicking tool and don't be fooled by the light weight. In the video I did a quick 100 reps on my way to 1,035 in 30 minutes, smashing 855 I did last … [Read more...]
My opinion on the Paleo Diet and Training Program
I don't think much about the Paleo diet because it really no longer exists. Paleo is mostly to eat clean food. And to eliminate things like legumes, grains etc. The Paleo diet will work I personally have a tough time eating lots of meat. I eat lots of eggs, nuts, seeds lots of vegetables, legumes, quinoa and some meat and chicken and drink tons of water my body just heals faster. But they have … [Read more...]
Brutal 420 Heavy Bag “Shouldering Slams” in 1 hour
Using a 70 LB heavybag to do what I call "Shouldering Slams" are a working mans strength builder. In the short video demonstrating how I do it, this is not a childs workout and don't let the weight fool you. I don't just do 3 x 10 like MOST people would, I would do this for 5 to 15 minutes straight non stop putting it to my entire body. But this short video was the start of the workout I … [Read more...]
The 8 Count Body Builder a Brutal Version
The 8 Count Body Builder is an exercise that people will hate to do. It combines a full body movement requiring a physical and mental toughness. I hear in comments how certain people in the military did these and that they hated them, some say they loved them. The problem I have is if people love them how come people talk more about the new gymnastic way of training or theĀ use of more one … [Read more...]